Have you ever wanted to unlock the Mysteries of God?
Safely We walk under the Blood of Christ
Is it possible to live without the covering that the Blood of Christ poured out upon us? Perhaps not if we are following the glow that emits from seeking power, lust, and wealth. Otherwise without the grace that comes from our redemption of the shedding of his Blood there is no hope for us who profess to believe in the Crucifixon/Resurrction. Our sanctification relies on this. A note here these two theological premises cannot be written separately since they are a Truth as one event.
What about the people who do not profess belief in what happened on Calvary and the tomb on Easter Sunday as an obvious concern? For many in today’s socialist environment the answer is probably no for them. Since their future is not relevant beyond the quest to rule over others, the gratification that sexual immorality provides for them, or the reaching for wealth at any cost. Therefore, we are looking at those whose souls may have a difficult time finding that narrow road to eternity as Jesus described; “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter it are many. How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few.” (Mt 7: 13 - 14),
The Truth that Pilate asked about when interrogating Jesus rests on the Incarnation of Christ and the very reason the Father sent him to take on humanity and set an example for each of us to believe in. “You say I am a king. For this I was born and I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” (Jn 18: 37 -38).
The Fathers contemplate the Resurrection from the perspective of the divine person of Christ who remained united to his soul and body, even when these were separated from each other by death: “By the unity of the divine nature, which remains present in each of the two components of man, these are reunited. For as death is produced by the separation of the human components, so Resurrection is achieved by the union of the two.” (CCC 650).
Since the two cannot be separated as per the above, they cannot be divided in identifying their real existence.
Remember that knowing about God is not enough. Knowing God is the essential premise for us to reach out and allow his very presence to abide in us. This is the reality of knowing God and the Salvation he has given to us with the Blood of Christ.
Ralph B.Hathaway