Being "On Hold" As We Await Jesus' Response
Is There Anything Our Most Loving God Does Not Forgive?
Eileen Renders
We have all been taught that God forgives us any sin we committed when we come to Him with sincere sorrow for having offended Him, and ask for His forgiveness. In return for God’s forgiveness, we promise that with His help we will sin no more. He is a loving and merciful God.
If or when might there be a time when God does not forgive one of us? We all experience at a time in our lives when we sin, go to God on our knees and ask for forgiveness, receive God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness, and we promise with His help we will not commit that sin over and over again, yet we do.
Going back to that time before we received our First Holy Communion, and have reached the age of reason, which means we understand the meaning of sin, we were taught what constitutes a sin. I can recall my Class being taught, and tested to ensure we understood the meaning of sin, and were reminded that from that day forward we would be responsible for our actions.
A sin our nun explained to us is when we understand that an action or thought we are contemplating is sinful, yet realizing that we decide to commit that thought or action, we have knowingly agreed to commit that sin. Thus, we are agreeing to sin anyway. We do this with the knowledge of how we will be hurting God and going against His will.
In reflection, we are purposefully going against God, and without sincere remorse, and with no remorse, or effort to move away from sin and our disregard for the sorrow we are causing God. In my thinking, would or could this not be a sinner who will not receive God’s forgiveness?
If there truly is a Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell, if not the sinner who continues to sin without regret or remorse, who then would it be that God may not extend His forgiveness to?
Praying to God for the grace to say “No” to Satan quickly and repeat as many times as necessary these words; “Be gone Satan, I belong to God.”