Into the Light of Day: A Poem
Each day I have a choice to make; it is
The path of choosing, that is so difficult.
To be self-centered, surrounded as I am by many things
Ignoring what it is to do for You.
My ego screams “I do, I want.”
The “I”, the world perpetuates.
Still, as the breath of air You hover,
As I contend to find the best road forward.
Temptations are easier to avoid than conquer;
Uninvited into my thoughts, they corrode my spirit;
I wonder, can I shake away the sin of worldliness?
Can I alter my own dream of destiny?
The watery bay outside moves with few restraints;
Rolling onward, it can be a balm to a troubled spirit.
A creation it is bringing the promise of God’s grace and hope
To find true water for which I thirst.
Gentle rolls of waves unwind my agonizing self;
To find true peace whatever road is chosen;
To turn aside the worries of each day; to make
A heaven here on earth; to be in harmony with each other.
Wake up my soul, and seek the truth;
Even Simon Peter loved, yet fell.
Remember not my sinful ways,
Allow me to serve you in love today.
Selfless love I see each day,
Whenever You upon the cross, I gaze.
Your great sacrifice to save all men
Is there, where once You died for us.
Jesus, your desire to do all Your Heavenly Fathers asks-
Left your human ego far behind.
Each day to do complete willing submission of self
Gives You a peace all need today.
Planting one’s feet in your ways of service,
Your love and mercy shine along our path to life.
We, your often wayward children,
Can only imitate your selfless love.