We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
One day, a boy turned to the blue sky and asked God why his father complained so much that people were coming into his homeland without establishing proper citizenship first. “God, why are all these people just coming into our country, without obtaining citizenship papers like our forefathers did, when they emigrated and immigrated from their original countries? How come so many people keep coming in illegally, some are coming in for work and freedom, but many to do bad things… and why is the president and certain people in the government allowing it to happen?” asked the boy.
There was silence. Then a cloud appeared in front of the boy, and Uncle Sam stepped down from it. “Hello, I’m Uncle Sam. I represent the freedom of your forefathers. You just asked God why, and I’m here to tell you for Him.” The man said as he got down on one knee beside the kid and pointed to the sky, the mountains and the lakes before them. “The forefathers of this mighty country agreed one day to seek to secure the Blessings of Liberty to themselves and their posterity, that is, their children and children’s children. You see, young man, God was happy to grant these blessings, so long as men did the good they promised to do. Unfortunately, man has broken many of the commandments from The God they sought these blessings from, and have been destroying the very posterity they sought blessings for, especially in this past 70 years in these United States… and yes, the other important complaint that reaches the Creator’s ears regarding this land is that many of the Native people of this beautiful country were marginalized into reservations often in misery, pushed aside on the very own beautiful land they inhabited, and still suffer to this day…
To keep themselves rich and selfish, men started to use contraception which inhibits any posterity at all, at minimum they were not open to having babies. You know, The Good Lord says in the book of Genesis to be fruitful and multiply,” Uncle Sam said with a nod. Uncle Sam waved his arm, and there appeared the garden of Eden in a vision before the both of them. “Wives started to leave their husbands, husbands their wives, and this mighty country started to actually kill its own posterity before it could even leave the womb. So, you see son, God is a righteous God, and wants His children to be born and all his people respected; we are just stewards of God’s children, and we share the power to give life, as Our Creator sought to give us.
But because of man’s selfishness, in allowing the most sacred of all places to become unsafe, that is, the womb, The Good Lord – Who, by the way is never made to be a fool – decided to allow our country to be invaded. If the womb isn’t safe, no where is safe, save God protects it; but you see, son, here’s the funny part, God made us stewards to the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness desire he instilled in us, and the unborn have that right to pursue that from the moment of conception! If we aren’t stewards to the little ones, and righteous towards all people, especially before they are born, then God is not going to all keep all of us safe either, just as the unborn often is not safe. No… my son, no. No one makes a fool of God! God is still blessing us, even by this punishment of invasion, for those whom the Lord loveth he chastises. How would other countries like it if we invaded? Not at all. They would want us to establish proper citizenship first as well. But remember in Genesis 18, God still protected that awful city if there were but 10 righteous within, but he didn’t even find that. Thanks be to God America still has many good and righteous citizens that believe that life in the womb is just as important as your life and mine.
The Good Lord is allowing this invasion to wake us up to stand up for the little ones, and especially see them as worth protecting. Heck, many times a mother or father will die for their child, a man will die for his country, a woman for her cause, but now the most important cause of all, life, is not being stood up for. So, if we don’t stand up for the least of God’s brethren, then God won’t stand up for us all. But if we keep seeking and striving for a good leader, and make laws that protect the most innocent, then maybe The Good Lord will see fit to honor our requests once again. Do you understand now, son?” said Uncle Sam to the boy. “Why, yes sir, I do.”