Hope Lost Hope Regained
WITH HIM ... IN HIM (Part 3)
"An old priest meanders through the Gospel of Saint Luke" - by Father Jonathan E Moore
ISBN 979-8338209103 - Available from AMAZON in Paperback and KINDLE versions.
Reflections on the Sunday Gospels for the whole of Lectionary Cycle "C".
Father Jonathan E. Moore is a retired priest of the Nottingham Diocese in the UK, In this third volume of his Gospel reflections, Father Jonathan continues his personal pilgrimage, this time through the pages of Saint Luke's Gospel. Drawing upon his crystal-clear personal recollections of the Holy Land, coupled with a lifetime reading and meditating on the Good News, he invites you now to be a companion on the road......
"I am deeply honoured to be counted among the friends of Fr. Jonathan Moore. Despite serving as a priest for 61 years, I still find myself learning from Jonathan's Sunday homilies. I once told him how much I wished he had been my Scripture
lecturer during my training to be a priest. His unique ability to situate biblical texts, bringing the settings and stories to life, is truly remarkable. Reading his homilies makes it clear that a great deal of prayer to the Holy Spirit, thought, experience
and wisdom have gone into them. It is with great pleasure that I recommend Father Jonathan Moore's book of homilies to you."
Rev. Father Francis Maple OFM Cap.
"Not long ago, a book like this would be described as a guide for preachers and homilists. But the original sense of the word "homily" is an interchange of ideas or a conversation. I find this attractive, especially since I experience this book as
a conversation. By listening to this book, we help our knowledge of the Word of God to grow deeper and to build a solid foundation for our spiritual life."
Rev. Dr. O. V. Le Blanc