What's Contributing to Lack of Belonging in the Church? Averted Eyes
This weekend’s Gospel is all about humbly receiving the people around us and serving their needs. The Gospel uses children as the example, and we also know that Jesus wanted us to care and serve the people around us who are vulnerable and in need of care like children are. Think about who comes to you in the course of a day or week… are you receiving them and their needs?
One of the ways our Church has done that over the years is through ministries to the poor and needy.
This coming week we celebrate the feast of St. Vincent de Paul. He’s one of my favorite saints in the Church because I’ve been volunteering for the ministry he founded for so many years in one way or another, starting off with the young adult board, continuing in one of the food and clothing pantries, and then winding up doing home visits with my husband for a local conference.
After so many years of volunteering with this ministry, I have found it to be one of the most foundational charitable ministries in the Church. This ministry truly meets the poor’s needs with food, clothing, beds, and emergency sustenance for everyday bills like utility and rent. It keeps people fed, clothed, and sheltered who otherwise may be on the street.
When I look at where my money goes as far as donating, St. Vincent de Paul is at the top of my list because I know the money goes directly to the people they serve in your local community and their everyday needs. Everyday, people call their local churches looking for help and the volunteers of St. Vincent de Paul respond directly to those needs more than any other ministry and use those funds incredibly wisely.
St. Vincent de Paul Ministry has taught me the humble way of Jesus more than any other volunteer endeavor…going out 2 by 2, receiving those who come to us vulnerably (mostly women and children, the disabled, the elderly or those without work), going to people’s living spaces, meeting them, praying with them, evaluating what they need, referring them to resources, or helping to provide for what they need.
I can’t think of any other volunteer ministry that carries on the work of Jesus in such a clear way: We meet them where they are with what we have. We provide as generously as we can while also keeping Christ at the center of the ministry.
Blanket Sunday is approaching at many parishes, usually in mid October. With St. Vincent de Paul’s feast day and this charitable day approaching, I encourage you to not only donate generously to this wonderful organization, but to also get involved in your local St. Vincent de Paul Society and learn about the wonderful work they do. The ministry could always use more younger, able-bodied people to carry on this work into the future.
May St. Vincent de Paul’s ministry continue to grow and flourish in the years ahead with the support of people like you.