The Rosary Healed My Father From Covid
I am not just a housewife, but I am a helpmeet. Traditionally a helpmeet is a wife/housewife who uses her strengths and talents to support her husband. She does not have a career outside the home. Her sole priority and her career is her husband and home. Making delicious wholesome meals, making their home beautiful, taking care of children, and being an emotional safety net for her husband. She brings him joy and not condemnation or criticism. As scripture says, “she puts meat on his bones.” There is nothing wrong with this! Since women’s liberation and the sexual revolution being a housewife/helpmeet has been forgotten about and even frowned upon. Women are expected to not just have it all but do it all. We are expected to have a fulltime career, be subservient to our bosses who are most likely men yet treat our husbands like dirt because we are exhausted. Exhausted from work, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the children. A woman even though she may work outside the home with her own career is still very much expected to take care of the home, yet a man can come home from work and is expected to do nothing because he has worked. When I was a child, my grandma was not only the matriarch of the family, but she was the very glue that kept our family together. Her house was beautifully decorated and immaculately kept. Dinners at Grandma’s house with the family were always an event. Grandma never worked outside the home, Grandpa and her family were her career. I am my husband’s helpmeet. I love him, I take care of him. He takes care of me and there is no shame in that!