Election Season
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
Many years ago when I was in Catholic grammar school, Sister in religion class introduced us to the prophecy of Saint Malachy which are prophetic verses concerning the 112 future popes while he was still alive. After the 112TH Pope, the end of the age would come with the return of Jesus Christ in power and in glory. At the time of Sister’s teaching, Pope Paul VI was pope. Sister told us that there would be four more popes after Paul VI’s reign. She told us to stay alert and keep a watchful eye on the Papacy. I felt that it would take a great deal of time for this to happen. I also wondered if I would be alive to see this unfold. I went about my business of getting an education for my future life.
When Paul VI passed to eternal life and John Paul I was elected Pope, Sister’s words came back into mind, but I thought it would still take many years, so I did not spend much time on the subject. When John Paul I passed after a very short papal rule and John Paul II was elected Pope, I began to take more interest in the papacy knowing that there were only two more popes on the horizon after John Paul II. Thankfully, John Paul II had a long reign as Pope.
Change was again in the air when John Paul II died and Benedict XVI was elected Pope. When Benedict XVI resigned, and Pope Francis was elected, I knew that I was living in the end times as Sister had forewarned. My thoughts at the time when Benedict had resigned, there was still time left for living life. However, once Benedict XVI entered into the Father’s House, time began to move more quickly than I anticipated.
Today, we see wars breaking out over the entire globe especially in the Middle East, Europe, and Far East aggression by “Red China” on Formosa and the Philippines that could easily start World War III. We are as close to World War III as we were during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 when I was nine years old. This is the major reason why I decided to write religious articles. I do not wish to see anyone lost to Satan and his minions. I exhort all people to live in the presence of God. Soon, we will all be living in the presence of God. Why not practice this now so we will not make mistakes in the future. We all need to stop personal sinning. All sin offends God, whether they are mortal or venial. Am I afraid of dying? No, I am more afraid of living in the aftermath of the nuclear annihilation of World War III. Death is a part of living. We must all die unless we see Jesus in the clouds of heaven where, as Saint Paul writes, we will rise to meet him in the air never to be parted from Him again. One thing we must never accept is the loss of our souls to Satan. Keep the Faith.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Gloria Tibi Domini. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise. Amen.