Lazarus and Mother Teresa
Take Nothing
What do I possibly need
A new car house a new horse breed
How about food and drink galore
Clothes for all seasons oh that scarf does my wife adore
Look a homeless sort
Just give him a talking to a stern retort
Later that day both of us died
At my funeral no one even cried
Many came to see Harry the bum
From all over the city did his friends come
He had nothing and seems to have gotten all
While I who did am now in Hell and forced forever now to crawl
Why do we want stuff we’ll never use
When people live in squaller and horrid refuse
For Heaven begins when we surrender to God
To our Father in Heaven to Whom we should pray aloud
He provides all yes everything He created
All He asks is that we love Him and each other and not practice hatred
JFFIII 9/25/24