God is Omnipotent
Eileen Renders
Omnipotent is a big word and it belongs to only one, and that is God. God is our Creator and only He is omnipotent. What does omnipotent mean? It means that He has unlimited power and can do anything. It surpasses our understanding, especially as children. We grow up and mature around others who are made just like us. And we soon realize that we have limited powers and that there are limits to what we can do.
God has shown us his unlimited powers many times throughout the Bible such as walking on water, healing very sick people, turning water into wine, and many other acts known as miracles. Most incredibly, God created each one of us and the earth on which we live.
Because God has unlimited powers, He can be anywhere or everywhere at the same time. He can see and hear all of the thoughts, words, or acts that each one of us does every day. God watches over His children, protects them, and wants them to be good, and not to sin. God wants to bring all of the good people to heaven one day to live with Him forever.
There is one particular concept of God’s being that I have always found most difficult to comprehend, and that is how is and always was. As adults, it is still beyond understanding how this can be, yet we believe because of our faith. Faith is believing without seeing or understanding. Why do we have such faith without seeing or understanding? We have this strong belief in Christ because He has shown us that He is our Creator many times. He loves each one of us so much that He allowed Himself to be crucified on the Cross to save us from Satan’s temptations and lead us into sin. Sin hurts God because He loves us, and wants us to be good, and to avoid sin. When we are disobedient to God’s Commandments, He cannot reward us with all that He wants to share with us.
How can we best avoid sin? One way is to pray to God and talk to Him each day asking for His protection and love, and affirming our love for Him. Jesus not only died on the Cross to save us from sin, but He also rose again after dying and ascended into heaven to remain with God the Father while He prepared a place for us there.
God did not leave us alone here on earth, He sent the Holy Spirit to be with us and to guide us and lead us in holy ways that will show love and mercy to all. God is the truest meaning of Love and He was willing to give His all to save us because of His deep love for us whom He created.
Our faith should always be built with the deepest trust and love for God, although none of us are capable of understanding the omnipotence that belongs only to God.
The qualities in us that are most pleasing to God are Love, Mercy, Trust and Humility.