The need for a Church cleaning (and your part in it)
I recently engaged in a conversation with a Protestant that said ‘you call it the Eucharist. We call it communion. I’s the same thing.” I lovingly explained to her that the terminology is basically the same, since we use communion interchangeably, but the theology and truth of each is different.
I explained to her the Real Presence verses symbolism. She said, “well the difference is the Catholic Church does communion every week and our church does it a few times a year.” As Catholics, we must never take for granted the beautiful gift we have been given in the Holy Eucharist. It is a gift and blessing from Christ that we can never find outside the Church. It also requires us to never forget the reverence and love it demands.
There is no Mass without the Eucharist.
Protestants can have their church service without a piano player, choir, music minister, or even their pastor. There is no one core element of a Protestant service that would cause it not to be a church service if that element was missing. The majority of the mainline Protestant churches have their services centered and focused around the pastor and his sermon. If the pastor is unavailable, they can have anyone from a guest pastor to a regular congregation member to preach. Their service would be unaffected.
The Catholic Church, based on the truths given by Christ, is different. There is no Mass without the Eucharist. There can be Penance Services, adoration, even communion services, but without the transubstantiation of the Holy Eucharist, it is not Mass.
"The Eucharist is "the source and summit" of the Christian life. (CCC 1324-1327) It is the foundational element of our faith and the Mass because Jesus is the foundation of our faith. The Eucharist is the Real Presence of Christ, and it is the core for which everything else is centered.