February 2025 Feast Days and Sunday Readings Schedule
The 40 Days for Life campaign is underway. The campaign received the biggest news from New York as they learned four abortion facilities will close for good. What a surprise!
Planned Parenthood of Greater New York blames the “hostile political environment” for its closures. Yet, the problem is that abortion is not lining up with a majority of Americans who want restrictions before the Dobbs decision. It has or will close its facilities in Staten Island, Amsterdam, Goshen, and Cobleskill.
This is a crucial campaign as it will precede the presidential election on November 5th. The issue has been a hot-button issue in recent years. It has seen tremendous growth among activists on all levels. All that it’s missing is you.
This is important for the callow and seasoned pro-lifer alike who want to step into the breach and make a difference.
God uses 40 Days for Life to END abortion in the most hostile places because nothing is more powerful than prayer and fasting. Even Planned Parenthood admits that even a pro-lifer outside disrupts their clientele by 75%.
40 Days for Life begins today in 703 cities worldwide!
Find your closest vigil and sign up to pray by visiting 40daysforlife.com/location