Hail and blessed be the hour!
Mother Angelica. Have you ever heard of her? She was a woman with a troubled childhood, with a mix of emotions and sickness to the body. She was feisty even then. With her mother's depression, and the family breaking up, to getting into an accident which severely hurt her spine and causing her to have to wear leg braces for the rest of her life. And that all happened in 1946! So much suffering as a child and then into adulthood. This amazing woman defeated all odds and has become a symbol of dedication and fervor for the love of God to be renowned to all human beings. She had a dream.... In a garage, in the year of 1981 she started a radio program that took off to be global. In radio and television. Oh how I wish I could have met her. She has an everlasting image in my mind of Jesus Christ Himself. All the way up until the day of her death she promoted promise and hope and love to everyone. Christian or non-christian,. Young or old., her words of wisdom telling people to come back to Jesus because he's waiting, became anthem for all. Especially for the downtrodden and despairing . With her words of wisdom and Holy Scripture, she upheld Meaning and the Truth of God
She loved the Angels of Heaven. She loved Mary our Mother,. St Joseph and the Saints were her best friends. She especially loved her own Guardian Angel.
Having just the right amount of wit, she coerced people who listened to her on the radio and watched her on TV to stop and think about the lives they were living. Never putting herself above anyone. In fact referring to herself in instances of her life as lower because of her feistiness and stubbornness and anger. She became a servant of God against her mother's wishes and it broke the family once again. But her understanding of her calling pushed her forward. As we are all servants of God, I believe, we all are always low enough to need the help of others ,so that we never judge or become self-righteous because we have failed our Lord, with our unthought choices and petty venial sins.
Her eyes twinkled as she spoke of her love for God and how much He loves us. When I was quite younger and living at home my mother would always have her on the TV. Here I am a 14, 15, 16-year-old girl watching a woman show the world her love of God. It was so inspiring. It made me think even at that young age. People would call in desperate or sad or angry, and she would always be able to calm them down and make them feel better. Feel wanted. Feel loved. She was herself in front of millions of people to testify that as humans we do still have a chance if we but surrender to God and His Holy will. She would put it to you straight without any frills, just the truth.
If you ever have a chance to check out this show on TV, EWTN, you should. It's got everything from the Rosary to the daily Mass to information and shows on great Saints. If you need uplifting of any kind, listen to her words and you will be able to feel that twinkle in her eye.