What I Got Wrong About the Latin Mass
I am glad to see more and more Catholics talking about the evil and horror of IVF lately, because it is something has been going on for a long time and has rarely been talked about.
One of the best (in my opinion) anti-abortion groups out there right now is Choice42, and while its not the only thing they do, they make powerful videos. One of their latest videos (premiered Jun 13, 2023) is called, "Build a baby." When first watching it, one might think that its simply a messed up dystopian fictional story, but the scariest part is that its not. They work hard to ensure that the information they use to make these videos are from the cold, hard, facts.
Please take a moment to watch this video and then come back and continue reading this article, which will be directly quoted from the Choice42 website.
(The following is a large portion of an article written by
Pastor Jon Speed, Pastor of Missions & Evangelism
By the Word Baptist Church
Azle, TX )
Maybe you are a baby created through IVF. Please do not think that we think of you as “less than” in any way. The Bible is very clear; all human beings are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27).
Your soul is valuable. Jesus said that it is worth more than all of the riches of all of the kingdoms of the earth (Mark 8:36-37). Think about all of the wealth of all of the great empires of the earth: Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, China, Persia, the former Soviet Union, and the United States. ONE soul is far more valuable than all of them (and more) put together!
You might be a married couple who longs to have your own son or daughter one day. We are not heartless. It is a wonderful blessing to have children (Psalm 127:3-5). So many abort their own babies and so many cannot have children. Many weep over their inability to have a child. We do understand. We weep with you.
You might have done IVF. You may have embryos in cold storage. We are not here to condemn a decision that you cannot, and do not want to, undo. We are here to warn others who have not already made this decision. We do hope that you will read the material below prayerfully and consider your moral responsibility to your children.
While it is a sad reality, please take a moment and think on what you’ve seen in this animation.
Think about how the sperm is procured. These clinics have rooms where pornography is available and used as men masturbate. Is that moral? Women who are trafficked are being used to produce the sexual stimulation to get the sperm. The clinics that buy the porn are supporting that industry. The women who get pregnant while making the porn often get abortions so they can continue to work in that industry. More dead babies to produce one living baby. Is this just?
Jesus is very clear that lusting after someone is the same thing as committing adultery (Matthew 5:27-28). The sexually immoral are condemned to Hell by the just God (Revelation 21:8). This process cannot even begin without rebellion against God.
We have an urgency to share this information because we realize that the moral issues are not talked about very often. Many people do not actually know or understand the truth and details behind IVF. We want you to know, so that you can glorify God with every decision you make. We also want to prevent you from the reality of guilt and regret, if you find out the truth after the fact.
Ask yourself, “Is it morally right to allow bio-technicians to experiment on your children as embryos? Is it right to end their lives if they are not genetically perfect or the right sex? When is it right to take the life of your own child?”
As painful as childlessness is, it does not justify murdering your other children to get the one you really want. Honestly, there is something that is very wicked about that. Think about the children that you have in freezers right now, perhaps for years, who may or may not survive it. Or who may be culled for experimentation. Would you allow any child to go through that, much less yours?
Is it right for human beings to literally own other human beings? If you are doing IVF, read the contract you have from the clinic. Who owns the embryos? The clinics do. What are you paying them for? This is a modern day form of human trafficking; perhaps the most blatant form we have.
You have consented to these actions. You will answer to God for each one. It is your signature on the contract. All of our actions are visible to God (Hebrews 4:13) and each one of us will surely give an account on that terrible day of judgment (Hebrews 9:27).
While it might be hard to hear, the answer is that it is God. It is said, repeatedly, that He opens and closes the womb (e.g. 1 Samuel 1-2). He is the One who forms babies in the womb (Psalm 139:13-16; Job 31:15). In other words, the God who created you and knows everything about you determines whether or not you should be a parent. We cannot tell you why He has so decided, but we can tell you that He knows far better than any human being does. He always does right (Genesis 18:25).
Yes, this is hard to accept for any couple struggling with infertility. Many things in life are hard to accept or understand. It is not easy.
At this point, you have a decision to make. Do you push forward, knowing now that your decision could result in the death of other children? Knowing all that you have learned about this process?
You might say, “Well, that was just a cartoon. It’s not real.”
Yet every element of the animation depicted truth about what every IVF clinic does.
You might find a second opinion, someone somewhere who can find ways for even Christians to justify the slaughter of the innocents. You should listen to the command of God, “Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:6). You should listen to your conscience. Your friends and advisors will not be there with you when you stand before God in judgment.
While IVF is 100% condemned by the Catholic Church, we need to be reminded of the horrors that is occuring RIGHT NOW to the most innocent and helpless - human children. Please share the above video and if you can, support Choice42 in their anti-abortion endeavors!
*This article is not sponsered by Choice42
**Please see this article for more information on what the Church teaches on IVF.