Divine Mercy in my Soul!
September 20, 2014
Dear Jesus, You know my favorite beatitude “Blessed is the pure of heart for they shall see God.” Flood me with purity of heart so nothing I say or do will offend you. Fill me with sadness if I become negligent and do something to offend my God for you are my light and my life. You are the sweetness of my soul!”
September 28, 2014
Jesus loves me unconditionally. I need to love him unconditionally as well. Jesus and I made a covenant a few years ago when I accepted him back into my life. I made a promise to never lose sight of him again. I made a promise to keep him in my life forever. So Jesus and I made a covenant to love each other unconditionally. Jesus has always loved me and will always love me. Here’s our agreement:
I will love and trust Jesus unconditionally.
Jesus promises to remind me to trust him such as every time I pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Jesus to remind me when my trust in him is not 100%.
I to receive Jesus in Holy Eucharist every day if possible.
Jesus to give me a burning desire to be a living tabernacle of Our Lord.
I to read and study the Word of God so I will know and follow his way.
Jesus will send the Holy Spirit to guide me in my daily Scripture reading.
I to listen to Jesus with a pure and open heart.
Jesus to lead me to the confessional once a month that I may be absolved of my sins. I to listen to the priest as the voice of Jesus and follow his instructions to avoid sin in the future and that I may not commit the same sins I just confessed.
I to accept suffering in my life. I to unite my suffering with the suffering of Jesus on the Cross.
Jesus to send me comforting angels during hard times.
I to give to others what Jesus has given to me.
Jesus to guide me in ways to be generous with my time and resources to those in need.
I to devote my life to God for the salvation of mankind.
Jesus to reward me with the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus and I discussed other reminders, things I must do to remember our covenant, to keep my end of the covenant. Jesus knows what these are.
Liturgy of the Hours Antiphon – “God sees all men as sinners that he many show them his mercy.”
From St. Faustina’s diary – “The greatest sinners are the most deserving of God’s mercy.”
October 4, 2014
Today I thank Jesus for being with me all the time. I never thought this would happen but I realized just now while walking that I wanted this and because I wanted this I got it. “Thank You Jesus, My Love!”
“…It is easy for many to be hemmed in by fear. It is not the size of the army that victory in battle dispenses, but strength comes from heaven.” 1 Maccabees 3:18