Be Forgiven
Do We Hear
Jesus told the Apostles He would die and suffer
He had to for this was the mission from God His Father
But the Apostles couldn’t care less
They didn’t get that Jesus would soon be under duress
We too have been told not only by Jesus
But by our Priests Deacons and Religious
That we too are to heed why He was crucified
Why it matters that He Resurrected and ascended on High
Do we hear do we acknowledge or listen
Or like the Apostles are we caught up in our own egocentric prison
Do we understand what it means to die to ourselves
That if we don’t we’ll end up on Satan’s shelves
Hear heed listen and obey
Every day to our Lord and to Him pray
Pray for His guidance strength and His grace
For the ability to love others and with all be at peace
Then you will hear Him calling you in
To be with Him forever and ever to Heaven
JFFIII 9/28/24