I Am Who I Am
Every parting causes sadness, sorrow too;
A separation, inaccessible, it seems.
Yet, Apostles, everyone, saw Christ the Lord-
His presence within them in a new powerful way.
To be permanently among them, to us as Christians too;
The way only God can be close to man;
Inspires joy among all men- to be set apart, to glow;
Return to the temple then; to begin anew their new life.
“So set upon the world and preach; forgive sins too;
Believe all I taught; never will I desert you.
Ask for My help in all your work, and
In My Name, My Father is glorified.”
Christ is exalted to the right hand of God.
Taken up in a cloud; bring memories of His Transfiguration.
The Son of Man defeats God’s enemies of sin and evil.
No wonder man is full of joy!
A cloud has lifted Christ from sight.
He goes victorious, obedient, loving;
Opening an everlasting place in God for us;
His return again will gather saints into the fold.
To look upon the face of Christ as did all Apostles;
It is to see the Creator, Father, God, as
He dwells in Christ and Christ in Him,
And we in Christ, become His too.
The Lord has everlasting power, dominion too
Triumphant, yet reassuring man He is always near.
As He blesses them; to us His hands stretch out-
His loving person is now our exalted heaven!