Take Up Your Cross - Part 2
The Father’s Voice
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
When do we hear the voice of the Father in the Christian Testament? We hear the voice of the Father
Throughout the entire Gospel when Jesus is speaking to the crowds, the scribes and the Pharisees. We hear the Father’s voice through the teaching and preaching of the Gospel or Good News by Jesus Christ. How do we know this? Phillip once asked Jesus to show the apostles the Father. Jesus told Phillip that the Father and I are one. Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father. What an awesome concept to behold. We also hear the Father’s voice when the bishops, priests, deacons, nuns, and lay people who preach, teach or write about the Gospel of Jesus.
However, did we ever hear the Father’s voice on special occasions in the Christian Testament? The answer is a resounding yes. The reader might ask when the Father’s voice was heard in the Gospel. There are two occasions when this happened. The first occasion was at the Baptism of Jesus. Please recall that Jesus went to visit his cousin John by the Jordan River and asked for Baptism. John had a discussion with cousin Jesus as to who should be baptizing whom. Finally, John consented to baptize Jesus. After the baptism the Father’s voice was heard when in referring to Jesus said, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” After the spoken words of the Father, a dove landed on Jesus. The dove represented the Holy Spirit who is the love between the Father and Jesus. Therefore, all three persons of the Blessed Trinity were present at the Baptism of Jesus.
The second occasion that the Gospel relates to us is the Transfiguration of Jesus with Peter, James, and John as witnesses to the event. Please recall that Jesus took Peter, James, and John for a long walk up on a high mountain. On that mountain Jesus was transfigured before their eyes. The three apostles saw Jesus in all his glory along with Moses and Elijah. They were so stunned in awe that the three apostles wanted to build three tents, one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for the Elijah. Then they heard the Father’s voice. “This is my Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased. Hear Him.” What did the Father mean by saying, “Hear Him”? The Father meant more than just listening. The Father wanted the apostles to believe in Jesus and obey Jesus, especially through His coming Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension. The Father wanted to insure that the apostles would keep the Faith and carry on the work of Jesus and His Church.
These are the two special times that the Father has spoken to us in the Christian Testament. May all of us hear the Father’s voice in our lives so that at the end of our lives we will also hear those beloved words said directly to us, “You are my beloved son or daughter, in you I am well pleased.”
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Gloria Tibi Domini. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise. Amen.