The End Times, an overview of Revelation
Beginning of the Fall Ch. 17-19
Are These End Times?
We left the last chapter with the Holy Ones immersed in a white cloud, when another angel arrived holding a bowl. The angel stated that, “I will show you the judgement upon the harlot, Babylon. (or could it represent evil empires in the future?) Both the harlot and Babylon represent the evil empire of Rome. What follows in chapter 18 is a very colorful description of the harlot. It’s worth reading.
The seven heads on the dragon, previously mentioned, depict the seven hills of Rome where the evil woman sits. They represent the seven previous Emperors, five of whom have fallen but the last one is yet to come. When and who are the questions, we may ask.
The ten horns are the ten kings who have not yet been crowned, that is, those who follow Nero. These will have power for one hour, meaning a short time. They will war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph.
Now the beast will hate the harlot and leave her desolate until the words of God are accomplished. Beast versus harlot sounds like a house divided and we know how that will end. The evil woman, mentioned earlier, represents great power over all the kings on earth. This sounds very much like the our political situation with so much division that a powerful entity could sweep us into that “one world order” we hear so much about!
The next section is dark and opens with a strong dirge sung over Babylon. From the prophets’ perspective this is not to be taken literally. Vindictive language portrays the inexorable demands of God’s justice. God will not abide disobedience and infidelity. It will be eradicated but will end with a joyous canticle of victory
Chapter 19 begins with a great voice from Heaven singing a victory song about the wedding feast of the Lamb, meaning Christ and his bride the Church. The hymn about the wedding ‘feast’ refers to the Mass which celebrates Jesus’ victory on the cross. The witness to Jesus is the spirit of prophecy saying that the Heavens are open and the white horse with its rider is called faithful and true. He judges and wages a righteous war against the kingdom of Satan. The rider wears a cloak dipped in blood and is called the Word of God which recalls the opening of St. John’s Gospel, “In the beginning was The Word. The Word of God is written on his bloodied cloak. His name is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Yes, our God is and awesome God, the only God who deserves all our love and worship. For what greater love is there than one who lays down his life as a ransom for our souls!
The closing chapters of the Book of Revelation refer to a 1000-year reign, but it has been over 2000 years since the time of Christ. To what does this 1000-year reign allude?