To the Ends of the Earth: Action – Week 6, Day 3 - Forgiveness is a Foundational Blessing
“If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted,
then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday.
And the LORD will guide you continually, and satisfy your desire with good things,
and make your bones strong;
and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water,
whose waters do not fail.”
Isaiah 58:10–11
A devoted Catholic man understands that his satisfaction comes from God alone. He also recognizes his calling to share the Gospel with those who hunger for God, and to share his goods with those who suffer the afflictions of life. His works of charity flow out of a heart that has been touched by Jesus. In every circumstance, he rests and rises on the grace of God. His praise and provision for others flow in abundance because their source is the Living Water of our Lord.
When the days are dark and our souls experience sorrow, we hold on to the promise that God will be our guide and our satisfaction. Even when our circumstances are bleak, he will turn our weakness into strength and our darkness into light. Those who interact with us will see the power and presence of Christ in our acts of love, and they, too, will experience the satisfaction and peace that can come only from a life surrendered to Jesus Christ.
Questions for Reflection
How has God brought satisfaction to your hunger and light to your darkness?
Are there circumstances in your life right now that are making it hard to see God at work in and for you? What are they? How can you hand them over to God in prayer?
Who is one person in your life that you can you reach out to this week to share some of Christ’s light and peace?
Praying with Scripture
For he satisfies him who is thirsty, / and the hungry he fills with good things. (Ps 107:9)
You can learn more about the To the Ends of the Earth Series HERE
You can watch and listen to this devotion HERE