Chemistry And Tolerance
What’s A Mother to Do?
Eileen Renders
This is a topic that I believe all of us can relate to, mothers. How many times as a child when we are frustrated or confused, have we run to our moms asking; “What should I do?”, or “How do I do that?” As adults, we did not change too much because we knew who had our best interest at heart all the time, and it was only our mother who carried us in her womb, delivered us into this world, and nurtured and protected us every step of the way.
When we become parents, this is just another time in our lives when we go to our mother to rely on her opinions, suggestions, and expertise. Often, as we mature, our mother becomes the one we are concerned about due to her failing health. Life has many hills and valleys we must navigate, and losing one’s mom becomes a mile marker for us as we face life with a new perspective of the never-ending cycle of life.
It is not unusual to feel a temporary disconnect as we navigate forward one day at a time. We realize that we are alone, in a sense, and that there is a time for living and a time for dying.
This maturing often propels us forward with a deep understanding of how we must show our love to God, and depend on Him. A time to deepen our faith and trust in God as we can be certain that one day we will be reunited with our family in heaven. There is always one contingency, however, and that is how we must practice our faith with love and sincerity. To work at a deeper understanding of God through His only Son, Jesus Christ. In this way, our trust in Him will continue to grow through His mercy, love, and many blessings.
God has given to us His own Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. We are encouraged to go to her and pray for intercession to Christ with respect to our prayers and supplications.
John: 19; 26-27 Jesus gave us the gift of having her as our mother when He said to His mother; “Woman behold your son.” He turned and looked directly at the Apostle John saying; “Behold your mother.” John is said to have taken in the Blessed Mother to live with him after Jesus died.
The Blessed Mother is Queen of the Universe. She is our strongest advocate in helping us, and as we learned during her time on earth, there was nothing that Jesus did not do that she asked of Him, such as the Wedding at Cana when she implored Jesus that there were many people who traveled a long distance, and there was not enough there to drink. Jesus turned the water into wine.
When we honor our Blessed Mother by praying to her, praying and speaking to her we also honor Jesus. Jesus loved and respected His mother who gave her all when she was told she would become the mother of Christ. She replied to the Angel who visited her with the news; “Let it be done unto as God wishes, I am the handmaid of the Lord.
Pray the rosary, and be blessed for if She is our mother also, then Jesus is our God, our brother, our Savior and we are all family!