Survivor's guilt (6 January 2005)
So, I was reading in Matthew, about what Jesus says about the mustard seed. Let’s go ahead and read, “He put another parable before them saying, ‘The Kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, that a man took and sowed into his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown, it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air came make nests in its branches. (Matthew 13:31-32)
Before we get started, I don't anything new (just some audio for my show on Rumble), yet, but, please check out the Catholicism, news, and whatever community
I’ve heard (well, seen, because the internet is the internet), people make the claim that Jesus was wrong and can’t be God, because there are smaller seeds. Okay, but the mustard seed is what his audience would be the smallest seed his followers are most familiar with.
Enculturation is something Jesus did…even in his own culture.
This isn’t what I want to talk about. I want to talk about what having the faith of a mustard seed means. What it can’t mean, is only having a little faith (Mark 4:35-41). So, if the size of a mustard seed is more than a little faith.
So, what is a large faith or a great faith? Do you need it?
Have we got to have a great faith? Is faith more than a mustard seed?
Well, there is one place great faith is mentioned, Matthew 15:28.
So, you need, faith the size of a mustard seed, which is still more than a little faith, and we will be rewarded for great faith.
Adam Charles Hovey is the founder of the Catholicism, news, and whatever community and hosts the weekly Bible studyCoffee and Christianity
*All verses from the ESV with Deuterocanon, 2017, Crossway