The Longest Hours
A Serpent in The Sand
Your son comes a wanting
What ya gonna give ‘em
A serpent in the sand
Or will you actually lend him a hand
What if he’s not your young feller
But a thief or a prostitute from down yonder
What then a slam of the door
Or an offering of what they need and more
Trouble with our secular society
No one even knows what is piety
But do you close to others your heart and mind
Or try with your might to help gain something we all must find
Jesus did this and so much more
As to His Disciples who for Him swore
To uphold righteousness and godliness
For all the world to assess
And so it went boldly
Never to be stopped in almost two thousand years
The only remedy ever for all hurts harms and fears
JFFIII 10/10/24