Save the world say a prayer
It recently came to me in the grace of realization, that the saying " It is in giving that we receive" that it doesn't just mean you get something material back. You get the grace of God's mercy spiritually. We receive the grace of charity and we can feel that if we give with total surrender.
It's a beautiful thing. All of our Alms, donations and material goods given with the true sense of Love is rewarded to us in the Kingdom of God. One meaning, storing riches in Heaven. Maybe that's why Jesus said, "go, and sell everything". Of course He did not mean for us to make ourselves homeless or without the needful things, but that which we have that we might covet or find necessary for our pride or wealth.
Giving in the sense of Charity fulfills us and the wishes of God Almighty who bestowed everything upon us. It is easy to have material comfort and pleasure become obsessions. The fine line is crossed when we can no longer see the needs of others. Those five or six coats that are extra in our closets could surely warm someone who has none. That extra food in the pantry cannot be eaten all at once and surely could fill the belly of someone who hasn't eaten anything for a while. There is enough of everything to go around for everyone if we but all search our hearts in the Holy Spirit of Giving.
Let us then search our hearts and "give" so that we may receive that which Our God looks lovingly upon us so that we may be complete in the Sacred meaning of Love.