God Is Still In The Miracle Business
Impending doom seems to always lurk around the corner, the chastisements of the world hovering over humanity is which heading towards an endless abyss. Each day is one day closer to the end of it all…no wait tomorrow is….no next month…oh wait in five months….in two years….
“The Son doesn’t know the day or the hour, only The Father.” - Matthew 24:36
There’s a difference between being ready and being preoccupied. Should you be familiar with the end times prophecies? Yes? Should you heed the warnings from Marian Apparitions? Yes. Should you know the times we live in? Yes. Could preoccupation with the end of the world be an anti-life tactic from satan to divert our attention from the goodness and beauty that can be unveiled before us today? If the world has gone mad, who will soothe it into coherency? If the world has turned ugly, who will be the beacon of beauty?
When does waiting for the trumpets at the end, make you miss the sweet melody of the present? When does preparation cross the line into preoccupation? When “Getting your house in order” overrides the beauty that lies in the present moment, there might be a problem at hand….
Yeah, you’ve got you’re blessed candles for the three days of darkness, and so do I, but how’s the light that contains the fire of zeal in your heart doing?
I’ve heard many people say “Why even bring children into this crazy world?! Things are so bad, and going to get worse, why even have children, nowadays?” This is the result of preoccupation with impending doom and anti-life rhetoric…and it comes from the devil. You always know where the enemy is…he is against life. God is eternal life. Our faith is centered around life, new life, resurrection, eternal life, being fruitful and multiplying, making heaven crowded, an eternal springtime, and saving souls. There is no end for those who are one with God.
How do we win? Large Catholic families. More marriages, more children, more truth, more beauty, more goodness. Good overrides evil. The devil is on a mission to depopulate, eradicate, erase, stifle life, and prevent new life. God is on a mission to populate, to bring forth new life, new missions, new plans, and new purposes.
Life is beautiful, and our world doesn’t have a clue. How many people thank God for the gift of their life? Our world is tranquilized into a dumbed-down slumber - blazing billboards blind the eyes of the soul, into a stupor. Bread and circuses, watch me perform while my soul screams. People don’t even know how dumbed down they are. What God wants from you is so vastly greater than what you even want for yourself.
I sense a “giving up” spirit in the air. “Oh well, the world is going to hell in a handbasket! Nothing we can do about it!” Nothing you can do about it?! What about countering evil with good? Bringing beauty to a world that’s starving for it - shining the light you possess, and lighting up the spaces where darkness lurks.
We can always “do” something about it. Right here, right now we can change the world.
Yes, be familiar with the prophecies, yes know the times we live in, but don’t become so engrossed in the end, that it makes you stop living right now.
You have to be as ready to light the flame of love in your heart, as you are to light your blessed beeswax candle.
After all, what is the end but a new beginning? And after all, who makes it to the new beginning besides those who conquer the end?
Some people use obsession with the apocalypse as a means to excuse themselves from self-development. FYI there’s no better time to get yourself together than during the burning of the world.