Peace is the Gift Given Through Baptism
As years pass, I distinctly am more aware of the emptiness of so much of what we deem part of a “good life.” Possessions, travels, luxury, and entertainment: Have you ever noticed that these are passing pleasures and that it all feels so empty?
I notice that when I am feeling especially empty, I’m drawn to the stuff and pleasures of life. Let’s go buy more stuff. Let’s go take another trip. Let’s distract our minds with entertainment so we don’t notice our miseries. Let’s think about moving to a new house. I will find something to purchase, whether a possession or an experience, that will help me cope with life’s tragedies.
But inevitably it leaves me feeling emptier afterwards. These things don’t satisfy my deepest desires. They never will.
I may have to learn this lesson over and over again until I get it, until I stop buying, accumulating, chasing new things, and seeking after what doesn’t satisfy. Otherwise, I’ll never reach the perfection God desires for me.
But let’s put perfection aside because it’s not just about reaching perfection, it’s also about living the fullness of life and feeling the most joyful and at peace that I can feel in this world. How do I feel more alive, joyful, and at peace? Because pleasures, possessions, travels, and entertainment aren't doing it anymore for me.
I’ve noticed more and more lately that there are days when I feel a fullness of life and peace from being out in nature and seeing the awe of creation, increased prayer and solitude, using my gifts in service to those in need, living my vocations more fully, being generous with time and treasure, and deep fruitful relationships.
Perhaps this is what Jesus was getting at in today’s Gospel. Wealth and possessions are a distraction when it comes to living a full life in Christ. Invariably, they will leave us feeling empty eventually. Whereas, following the way of Jesus will lead us to the fullness of life our hearts deeply desire here in this life and in the life to come. There’s a lot of wisdom in Jesus’ teaching today! But it’s a hard one for our hearts to grasp.
If Jesus can’t teach us that when we hear this Gospel at least once or twice a year like I have been challenged to do, then life inevitably will teach us this lesson by illuminating the sources of our emptiness and fullness.
Today and in the days that follow, listen to your life speaking to you. What’s leading to emptiness? What’s leading to fullness?
Maybe you too will have a “young rich man” moment of awakening.