Jesus Gives Us What We Need
Jesus said to His Disciples: “You do not know what you are asking. Can you drink the cup I am going to drink? They said to him, “We can.” Matthew 20:22
Jesus asks each of us can you drink the cup I am going to drink? Sounds like a simple straightforward question. “You mean if I drink the cup that you, Jesus drank, I am going to experience suffering, pain, rejection, humiliation, persecution and endure sacrifices? Maybe I should think about this for a while.”
This is a tough question. Perhaps you should check in with me later. After I have more time, I will serve you more but I just don't have the time right now. I am busy trying to make ends meet, to be successful, to be noticed by my boss and others. With a million and one excuses I acknowledge that I'm just not ready to commit my life to you. Sounds too tough for me. Choose someone else that is better equipped.”
If we wait to serve Jesus when all our goals and plans are attained, we miss the greatest adventure of our lives. Jesus invites each of us right where we are at. Don't miss this opportunity to serve the Master alongside of other pilgrims on the journey.
Surrender your life to Jesus and He will transform your life. Even in the midst of pain and suffering, you will know joy that is beyond any of the so-called successes you achieve. Jesus is counting on you to be a great fisher of souls for His Kingdom.
Jesus, I surrender to you. By your grace and strength Lord, I am ready to drink the cup that you endured.