Be Perfect
The Acorn
The small acorn finally had to let go
Down down falling hitting branches to and fro
Finally hitting the earth with a small thud
After some rolling and spinning landing in the soft mud
Tired and sore the acorn starts to cry
When suddenly
Jolted the small nut is picked up by a squirrel
One that is big and brown and has a tail with a curl
Jostled and bumped
The poor fruit is accidentally dumped
Careening into some fresh soil landing not too softly
And basically now sinking down ever so slowly
The little acorn tired now falls into a sort of death-sleep
Winter is coming with snow cold and deep
This little fellow though is soon to be reborn
Come next spring an oak tree will come out of this shell now broken and torn
Mighty and massive is the oak tree
The little acorn now given its will for that to be
To one day be towering over the land
All because a squirrel carried too much in one hand
So too can we spiritually grow
Provided we give up all of our own ego
And follow the whim of He our Savior
Jesus Christ the death-destroyer
JFFIII 10/17/24