The Road ahead; is it a destiny already planned by God?
Our Mission to be Awarded in Eternity
First we must recognize what our mission is. This is why each of us was called by God to become a missionary to his people. When we look at some of our friends who are not able to be missionaries due to physical or mental incapacities, we may ask how can God Use them? Look at the many capable people who do not use their talents because of their pride. Those unable to respond to their call because of incapacities are doing more than those who are able and refuse to use their abilities.
The story of Jonah who was sent to Nineveh to convert these people and bring salvation back to those who rejected God. Of course once on a ship that would take him away from his assignment became disastrous as he was running away from his mission. God had other plans and devised a way to get Jonah back on track. As soon as a violent storm tossed the ship to a point of capsizing the sailors found out why and threw Jonah off the ship. (Jon 1: ff).
Do not think for one minute that if God is sending anyone of us for a particular assignment, be it a simple ministry or a greater excursion, he will see us through. What is important we may discover is that at times we encounter a devastating occurrence with one of those who are incapacitated and through that instance builds our own adaptation to continue on with our call. One time as I was visiting patients during my ministry at Mercy Hospital in Pittsburgh a man who was suffering from Muscular Dystrophy told me his wife left him because of his debilitating disease. From that moment it became clear this mishap he encountered assisted my own ministry where his mission at that time in his life inspired me to find the grace of God in everyone no matter their position in life. Here was one who didn’t realize God was using his disease to send another into the world of human suffering to find the grace of God in everyone.
Speaking of rewards in eternity because of our mission will not depend on our status; notoriety, position in the Church, accomplishments of speech and authoring books, or acceptance by everyone as the greatest person who could be the model all should follow. I remember reading about Augustine’s visit from Christ who told the saint that he wanted something from Augustine. Augustine began showing the Lord his writings and other proof of what his ministry had brought him. The Lord must have smiled; He said “I don’t want these; I want your sins!”
“Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mt 20: 28). As we look to define our mission for Christ the opportunity will find us at times in the most unexpected places and times The man with MD was an eye-opener to my own mission as a receiver of God’s grace in the most obscure situations. How we absorb these lessons will guide our journey throughout the future of ministry.
It isn’t how much we do, it is in seeing Christ in those we minister to that becomes our mission.
Ralph B.Hathaway