Pray the Holy Rosary
What really is dementia? Oh, we very well know what the doctors say. But what a strange disease..... If what the doctors say is true, then I guess we all have dementia at some rate! The saddest thing I would say about it is it lets you see glimpses of the person's one true self occasionally. God is sweet though. Reverting back into a child from which we first came, is just about the most wonderful thing that could happen to a soul whom God cherishes as His child.
We all proclaim to be Children of God and so we are. Provided we have been taking care of the state of our souls and our lives. We praise God for another day. Another day to try. As the World turns, it's getting harder and harder. But like I said, God gives glimpses of how we are to live and be. Turning us back into the child from His love, with all its tenderness and care. It's good that we are watchful.
This disease needs a lot of patient, loving, and dedicated people by their side. God grant me the grace.
Love is the key. That's why, I think, it hurts so much. You know you love that person so much that it hurts. I must remember, this world is only a stepping stone in the vast sea leading to our REAL Eternal home. Heaven.....