The Beginning of The End!
You may have read my recent article “It’s Just a Flat Tire” and the story behind it. The final lesson that came from that experience was an ‘Insight’ more than lesson revealed.
During the course of the afternoon, starting with the stop at “Taco Chimes,” there were many ongoing conversations between others, myself and God, as I vented with exasperation what had happened and why.
At one point, and it is hard to explain how inspiration seeps in ---but a ‘light bulb’ goes off and in the flash, I am pointed out the fact that there are inner voices we hear all day long that come from different sources. Just who are we hearing? Well, this needs to be explained---for when I write of God speaking to me—MANY people will have questions raised in their mind about this woman. As a dear friend told me recently, you need to be careful for you could get in trouble. I think that ‘ruining a reputation, or losing credibility’ is what she was referring too.
So here we go, “Elizabeth Johanna has some ‘splaining’ to do:” for God does want to speak to us and to understand just how we are to know HIS Voice!
That day, I was listening to a ‘voice of reasoning’---my own intuition, intellect, logic and so on that all humans should have. Common sense may be another title perhaps? I was also hearing that day ‘voices’ heard from the past, as I was corrected, admonished and taught by parents, teachers, bullies, friends—all ‘posting into my mind’ messages or advice that they felt I NEEDED TO REMEMBER. Trust me, I or we all will keep their words pasted into our minds until God’s Voice of Wisdom, Understanding, and Discernment teaches us differently and the importance to tune “NEGATIVE STINKING THINKING” out!! I heard a lot of their critical labels that day as I was really tiffed with myself over ruing that tire.
Now God’s inner Voice, that is 99.9% NEVER audibly heard---is one that His sheep know. His Voice edifies, encourages, is forgiving, understanding and always, ALWAYS, lines up with His Words found in Scripture. His voice leads us on right paths, helps us to be patient under fire, calms us and reassures us—and sometimes His voice corrects us or speaks directions and a command if it needs to be heeded IMMEDIATELY!! Some people speak of this when they must do something NOW to save their life or another’s life. “Don’t get on the plane,” “stop”or“go check on your child:” these are examples of His way of being that Good Shepherd. Some will say this is ESP---but His sheep know better, as they adamately claim “that was God and He reached down to save or help me that day.” I heard my own young child fussing in the front yard one day, very distressed and Jesus saying “they are taking her blanket away.” I immediately ran and retrieved it off the top of the garbage truck. “Thank you JESUS!!”
So, there is a question we should all ask when wondering what is driving us to respond to life—“Who said that?” There are three sources that send messages into our mind. We will hear human voices, voices from the past, and our own speaking thoughts into our head. Then, of course, there is the sneaky seducing voice of evil---that tries to convince you it is okay to follow his path. You know it is his for sure, for we all have been tempted haven’t we? Amazing how we will give credit to “the devil making us do it,” so why not give credit to God leading us? For, God does speak to us inwardly; there is an inner quiet Voice of God. He speaks to us through the Holy Spirit, Jesus the Good Shepherd, and the Person of an all loving Father, whose eyes and hands are ever upon us. It is very important that you read and reflect on your Bible daily so you are very familiar with His Words that He has spoken. For what He speaks to your heart will never contradict what is written there.
Have I ‘splained’ this enough for you---so that if you had questions about how God speaks to His people---you now understand just what I am referring too?
I am not nuts, too radical, too ‘trumpy’ (that’s a new one you just now heard) and not to be listened too, because we see things differently. What God has done is to send His Holy Spirit into my life with all His gifts—and I now see that perhaps—we should see Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Discernment, as that inner Voice of God speaking to us. He has sent this same Holy Spirit to all who have been Baptized and Confirmed, but especially to those who daily pray—“Come Holy Spirit.”
I end these thoughts with His Words, “Peace be with you as you listen up.” God Himself confirms this by His own Words. “Today if you hear My Voice, harden not your hearts.”
Come Holy Spirit, into all our hearts, especially with the Gift of Discernment so that we all will know—just “Who said that?”