What we once fought for, we now give away.
From the very beginning, the Devil was a liar. But the worst of liars, specializing in half-truths. The half-truth is what tempts us. It is the half-truth that gets us to believe him. Yet, we know deep down that he is lying. We only want to believe what he says and the half-truth is what sells it to us, that and our desire for the lie to be true.
The Devil would never sacrifice anything for you. He never has your best interest in mind. He is trying to use you to get back at God. He looks at us with utter disdain. He even does so for those who give into every lie of his. Even those who seek to serve him.
And even in all of that God never stops loving us. If we accept the Devil’s lies, God still loves us. If we would give into all of the Devil’s lies or give ourselves to him in service, God still does not stop loving us just as the Devil never stops his disdain for us.
We hear the half-truths. And there are some that we have already accepted as truths that we are unwilling to reject. (The Holy Spirit might have just told you one.) No matter what we have done and who we are, the sacrifice on Calvary was meant for us. In fact, Jesus would have done it for you if you were the only one that needed it.
Do not believe the half-truths. They come from someone who has a great disdain for you. Believe the truths that God loves you and did the most unimaginable, He died for you.
Jesus, help us to accept You completely into our lives. Enlighten our hearts that we may know all of the half-truths that we believe from the Devil so that we might be set free from the lies. Amen