Look beyond the darkness of evil
What has happened to what we used to believe?
Who among us would love to go back to the days when the doctrines our parents adhered to from the Church or even our government? As children we grew up learning to respect policemen, teachers, and even the next-door adults, all who demanded some sort of awe from our new-found friends of authority.
Well, now each one of us must take a moment to look within our past and compare it with what is happening to our society with bated breath at the situations that are pulling us away from faith and trust in God and government. It has become a world where respect no longer holds its meaning when we hear of defunding the police, school boards enticing teachers to forbid their students to inform their parents of what they are now learning regarding sex-changes, and looking at their neighbors with accusing eyes. Where did the trust in authority slip away from the familiarity of rules that were there for our benefit not to control us?
The answer to this may not be found in a text-book since it was never a past occurrence. It also cannot be heard from any professor since the New-age philosophies have corrupted even learned minds and who knows what the next words of disbelief will be from the one-time lips that spoke the truth.
Just what should we expect the next time we attend Church or listen to a teacher's words that will encourage our direction in life? We might say to ourselves, as well as close friends,”did you hear the latest about the newest approach to what our faith should be, or how we must follow the newest theme of A I?” Herein are the newest philosophies that will better help us in finding God in a renewed path of grace. However, this term of grace no longer is from God, it is a Marxist manner of following false prophets wearing masks of treachery and smiling as we fall to Satan’s plan of turning away from the bible and the reason Christ suffered and died for us.
“But if a prophet presumes to speak in my name an oracle that I have not commanded him to speak, or speaks in the name of other gods, he shall die.” (Dt 18: 20). The proverb of truth that was taught by God and still has credence today.
A reality of fear has come upon the world that one time found belief in words of the prophets regarding our eventual outlook of resurrection and no more pain or suffering. But that has all changed as we now look through a kaleidoscope without determining which color to take as gospel truth. Listen to the masters as they now are about to rewrite textbooks and pray that AI does not attempt to rewrite the Holy Bible to suit a new prophet who comes through as God himself.
Is this a fable that someone decided to entertain our wandering minds, looking for a way to entertain our boredom? The days of twisting the truth with obscenities that will corrupt our intelligence and belief in righteousness are upon us and we must keep a hold on our faith because that’s all we have left. Trust in the Lord who created and died for us that we may live in eternity with him.
Ralph B. Hathaway