Abortion, A Woman's Health Issue?
Dealing With the Pain of Disappointment in Family Members and Friends
Eileen Renders
We have all been there, someone we trusted and held close to our hearts. Maybe a family member, or spouse we depended on, someone who made a promise or commitment to us and let us down. Often, hurt feelings or disappointments are turned inward, and become an outward expression of anger, resentment, or retaliation. We have all heard the expression; “Two wrongs do not make a Right.” And how true it is!
This type of emotional pain that is buried and not resolved can fester like an infection, send us in a negative direction, zap our energy, and allow us to listen to the internal negativity of Satan.
We may choose not to forgive, to never trust again. And it is not the answer. We are taught to follow Christ’s example to show mercy and forgive. With all the faith you can muster when in a slump, go to God. Pray for assistance in addressing your pain effectively.
God will tell you that you must forgive, this in no way requires that you welcome that person lovingly back into your arms. It does require you to pray for that person and forgive. What this solution does is bring peace back into your heart. When you forgive, you are tasting that benefit. Why or how is that? It happens because you are following Jesus’ way, you are showing mercy, love, and forgiveness. And by praying for that individual, God will bless you with many graces.
Doing the right things sometimes conjures up an inner resistance that Satan tells us is fair, yet in our hearts, we know that it is not the way God would have us behave.
Following God’s will usually will result in a feeling of inner peace. We chose to be pleasing in god’s eyes. The result is that you are at peace, feeling proud of how you handled the hurt you felt from someone you loved and trusted. God smiles at you, and you find the courage to move on from all negative thoughts. You once again realize that God is who we must run to, He is love, trust, mercy, and forgiveness, and we by His example work at being sons and daughters of the same values. We sleep better at night and can feel that God is with us and within us.