Tilling the Garden of My Soul
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
John the Baptist Prepares the Way
"In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah: “A voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’”
Former President Trump is one of the most unconventional Presidents and current candidate for president. we have ever had. He has not been refined in political correctiveness. He came storming into the world of politics where there was so much “political correctiveness.” He came and upset the Washington politically correct world and turned the apple cart upside down. People everywhere began to yell, fight, and do everything in their power to tear him into pieces and sadly are still “out to get him.”
In my prayer time, I began to compare President Trump with John the Baptist. I know what you are saying. What? Compare those two? No Way! But please bear with me as I explain. Yes, it is true the Holy Spirit prepared John the Baptist for his mission of preparing the way of the Lord all his life.
John the Baptist is a holy saint and a very bold outspoken one at that. He was fearless, bold, courageous and continued to proclaim Jesus' coming. He wasn't afraid to call out the truth, “You brood of vipers.” He also demanded people to repent and prepare their hearts for the coming of the Lord.
I see former President Trump confronting the evil in our times boldly and fearlessly. He calls a spade and spade. He can't tolerate “political correctiveness.” He calls people out of their so-called comfortable bubble of their self-contained world. When John the Baptist boldly went around proclaiming truth, he was hated by many. They wanted to get rid of him. But for others, they listened repented and began to believe and be baptized. Of course, we all know that in the end John the Baptist gave his life for Jesus and the cause he believed God called him to do.
I believe God has raised up President Trump for our times. Does he need on-going conversion? Absolutely. But so do I and so do you. Does America need conversion? Absolutely! Does Trump speak before he thinks? Yes, he does a lot. But despite all his weaknesses and shortcomings, his message comes through loud and clear. His message is one of protecting the babies and mothers from the abortionist who wish to kill babies and forever wound mothers and fathers. Trump is attempting to not have any federal dollars go to Planned Parenthood. He has appointed pro-life conservative judges to the US Supreme Court. He is trying to figure out the mess of our broken immigration system. He has given the American people tax cuts which help them to have more spending money. He has created jobs. President Trump leads from a point of military strength not from a point of weakness. He is a businessman who has made billions of dollars. He has good common business sense when it comes to how to turn this country around financially. He loves America and the American people. He is strong, courageous and bold in the midst of such hatred for him and attempts on his life. In the midst of such hatred---doesn't this sound like the world that John the Baptist lived in?
We, as Christians, need to pray more, fast more, and to speak up more. We need to support and vote for leaders that will protect America and bring God back in America again. You may not like former President Trump's personality and mannerisms but many did not like John the Baptist either. Many thought that John was just a crazy prophet. Oh, my many people think Trump is a threat to America and a dangerous and crazy person.
I've made a commitment to pray for the upcoming election that God’s Holy Will be accomplished. I pray for those who are in darkness that through our holy priest, bishops and the laity we can bring light to those who are lost. Will you join me in praying for Our Country?