Where are the Love Songs in the Bible?
"Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you begrudge my generosity?" ~Matthew 20:15
I didn't learn how to ride my bicycle without training wheels until I was nine years old. I also didn't graduate highschool until I was twenty years old. I didn't even get an Associates until age thirty-three. To top it all off, I am unmarried, not a home owner, and have a lot of plants. Noticing a pattern here?
I am what one would kindly refer to as a "late bloomer". I'm often frustrated by this, wanting to fly into a rage and maybe punt a thing or two across the livingroom. Instead I (usually) go pull weeds, which is much more constructive and a much healthier outlet for frustration than punting kleenex boxes across livingrooms.
The thing is, while my frustration is natural, it is also damaging my relationship with Christ. Think of the parable about the laborers in the vinyard. In the parable, the first people who showed up at the crack of dawn and worked a full day got paid a fair day's wage--and the people who had only started work at the, "eleventh hour," (Matt 20:9) also got paid a fair day's wage. Not fair, right? Well, as someone who gets things done at the eleventh hour, I have to admit that this parable makes me feel a little less frustrated while I'm waiting for things to happen, dreams to come true, bicycles to stay upright, etc. I hope that if there is something in your life that you're waiting for, please know that the only time God's generosity "isn't fair" is when He gives more than He agreed to, not less. He will never give less. Hang in there!