Save the world say a prayer
Have you ever really thought in depth about what our sweet Lord Jesus Christ experienced in the Garden of Gethsemane? What torture, beyond our wildest dreams He saw from the meanness of Satan trying to weaken Him so He wouldn't go through with what He needed to, to save us?
All of the horrible sins committed from the beginning of Adam and Eve's downfall, all the way, into the future, till the end of time. How horrifying! All the innocent bloodshed from babies being sacrificed or unwanted. All the murders and disgrace given against the Holy Church and the Holy Eucharist and priests. All of the disregard of the hierarchy of the Realm of God in heaven on His throne. All the terrible sins of the flesh. All of the neglected children whom He himself credited with entrance to Heaven. All of the senseless wars because of Pride and control. How could He have not shed drops of blood that Holy night? And I go further to say, how did He do it? After coming back from 40 days of fasting and total prayer, with temptations even then, to think that it would be worth all that He would have to suffer for such an ungrateful people.
He did it because God His Father said it was His will. And like a good son, was obedient. Jesus Christ suffered the ultimate sufferings of pain and humility for a people His Father created with great love and care. Oh! If only to be as obedient as Him.
Suffering that night, after having dinner with His beloved Apostles and then being abandoned by them in His most precious hour of need! Abandoned, denied, rejected by a people hHe was about to suffer for, with ultimate love.
Oh God! Forgive me my sins! Forgive me for being part of Your horrific passion and death! Forgive us all, oh God, and let us never offend you again! We want to be Your soldiers. Not the kind that helped in your crucifixion, but the kind who will defend you, no matter what suffering we are to partake in ourselves.