The Voice Inside You
I hope you are enjoying Halloween, which for us, of course, has become simply about costumes, parties and candy.
Tomorrow, as a Church, though, we celebrate All Saints Day, in honor of those who have gone before us, having already achieved heaven through martyrdom or holy living. Also, there are many who lived their lives in a saintly manner that have not been officially recognized as a saint by the Church, and this is a day to celebrate them as well.
The following day, November 2nd, we especially remember those who have faithfully departed, but may not yet have achieved heaven. That day is also highlighted as a day of prayer for those who have died.
With so many thinking about evil with the advent of Halloween, I would like to draw your attention to The Letter to the Ephesians, Chapter 6, verses 10-20 today.
These verses, headlined as "Battle Against Evil," are a great reminder to "stand firm against the tactics of the devil," and that our struggle in this world is not with "flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens."
Describing how to protect ourselves (using imagery from Roman dress, such as "armor" and "breastplate") we are told to stand fast in truth and righteousness, holding our "faith as a shield."
Particularly interesting, I think, are the words, "quench all [the] flaming arrows of the evil one." This reminds me of all of those arrows satan shot at Job in the Old Testament, and how Job retained God's favor, always speaking "rightly" toward God, even in the face of so many losses.
Let us be careful not to throw flaming arrows at each other, for in doing so, we may very well be aiming in the wrong direction, for it is the evil one who has lit those flames.
Let us, indeed, protect ourselves from the temptations set before us and "With all prayer and supplication, pray at every opportunity in the Spirit," being always watchful and persevering to the end.
Janet Cassidy
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