My little sister has endured a lot. From the starting of a troubled marriage with a man who had a violent temper and a drinking problem and the most beautiful blue eyes, to losing a son when he was just 33 years old from a misdiagnosis of health, to a cruel suffering of cancer for that same husband who died and left her with two little Grand boys ages 10 and 12.
Endurance. It can be long and cold or strengthening and warm. It's all in how we look at it and ultimately how we do it. Some want to endure only for a short time before giving up and giving in. Others, will fight to the last dying breath and even then must come to God's Holy Will.
Life is challenging enough to endure any other way than willingly. God is watching, so we must realize that our acceptance of endurance is the only thing that will help us get through. Whether it be enduring till the situation finally ends, or whether you feel you can no longer do it by yourself.
Endurance has many factors. Release of control is one of them. If we release control to God, are heaviness is lifted. The struggle will be real but yet somewhat tolerable. If we release control to God, are heaviness is relieved of the worry and pain that worry brings. Endurance is an individual decision. Strengthening our lives and souls with prayer can help us see clearer what we are to endure.
God will never abandon us or let it go over the amount of pain or struggle. Even though it may feel like the breaking point was a long time passed. If we allow ourselves to have boundaries with our own bodies and souls we can let those boundaries outreach to those who need us, even when we need ourselves. Then we can let God work. Surrendering is a good beginning. The moment we give it to God is the moment our endurance becomes clear and tolerable. We are either far away from heaven or very close. We choose how we want to endure that.
Let us all choose God and our endurance, shall take hold and no matter what, it will be sweet and triumphant in the end.