The King of Kings
It Has Occurred
It has occurred to me
I believe today truly
That a feast day is due to arrive
I am not at all ready how will I survive
Oh the preparations
The food the drinks the invitations
It has occurred to me I need lists
For all of my friends my guests
Who to ask and how
It has occurred to me I had better start now
Let’s see we have Joe and Susie
And Fred Jose Isabella and Nancy
Oh how do I get in touch
Since for most no phone address or the such
It has occurred to me that my most important guests
Are the downtrodden immigrants and homeless
It has occurred to me that these are the people I want at my celebrations
A mix of all our worldly nations
Especially those who need evangelization
Otherwise how will they know who and how to ask and act to get into Heaven
JFFIII 11/4/24