Feeling Guilty when we do the Will of God
Today, November 5, 2024, you’ll Vote; Is Right to Life a choice you’ll make?
Yesterday’s article was titled “Legislating Morality” Can we or Should we? As you step into the voting booth marker in hand or button to push places a condemnation for the unborn in your power. If any of you is standing in the place of God you can become the grim reaper to participate in death to the unborn or a savior for each new human to taste the breath of life. Take a moment to read the article since it is the very essence of legislating morality in this upside down world that has corrupted God’s desire to give human life an opportunity to exist.
Yes, the cry is heard from women, and those who support their choice of death in the womb, that want to change the whole concept of God’s proclamation of; “Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.” (Gn 1: 28). What gives so many the right to decide who lives or dies in a world that attempts to find a reason for procreation and to grow in prosperity of goodness?
Look for a moment at the deadly diseases of the past, and even Covid - 19 four years ago that killed millions of our brothers and sisters. Heroes like Dr. Jonas Saulk who developed the successful polio vaccine saving millions of children to live as productive human beings and other physicians who have continued to find, with the help of the Holy Spirit, new life-saving methods to keep humanity alive are the ones who respect life and work to insure its continuance.
What planet have these promoters of murder in the womb come from? Should we cover over their choice to eliminate a life that they willingly helped to create through sexual desires that became a selfish pleasure that lasts only seconds? A question that we know the answer to, don’t they adhere to the Ten Commandments and God’s intention to allow the earth to grow and become fruitful adding to the many numbers of souls that shall live with him in eternity. This is the prime reason God created us; to share his kingdom with the human race and people who will share his love, forever.
I suppose these selfish people, men included, are just seeking a hedonistic environment in which there are no guilty responsibilities to answer to anyone. God, whomever he is in their warped thinking, will ask them why. They cannot comprehend this scenario since they have erased the thought of righteousness from their corrupted minds and imagine only a life of degradation and to hell with what this deity proposes. After all, it is their lives and why should any spiritual theories force them to obey what the Church may say.
Go ahead, mark yes to the candidate that promises to keep death as the prime reason they’re running. Or think for one moment the devastation you might be making on your own soul. That day will come and you just might need a lawyer for your defense. The joke is on you! There will not be one who will stand up for you since the deaths you helped create will become the jury who will condemn you.
Ralph B. Hathaway