Save in the midst of the battle
I want to know what the difference is between judging others and just observing their behavior? When we observe others, we become aware of their behavior but if carried further, we make judgments on them.
I find the best solution to not judging others is it mind my own business by seeing what I am doing with what God has given me to do. This is the essence of good counsel: “Mind my own business.” Boy, do I have a lot of business to be minding. It is a good thing God is all patient because I have a lot of work to do with my own shortcomings.
However, at times it is so easy to slip into “Minding and judging other people's business.” It is one of those character defects that I am most aware of. In judging others, I assume I know all the facts and I assume I know what is best for this person. In judging others, I am filled with pride and say.” I might not be the best person around but at least I am not doing what they are doing? This attitude is filled with pride and arrogance. Most of my judgments are silent ones but even though silent they speak volumes about my attitude of truly loving the way God has called each of us to love.
One of the ways, that gets me out of making verbal and silent judgments, is to mediate on the passion of Christ. He was mocked, spit on, condemned, accused wrongly, tortured physically and emotionally. His friends and followers abandoned him during the lowest times of his life. Jesus had every human right to make judgments and condemnations on those who hurt him so. But Jesus simply said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” He loved each person unconditionally, praying for their conversion of heart.
God is the only one that can make fair and unbiased judgments. He sees deeply into my heart and despite the sin that dwells there, God loves me unconditionally. God is a Father that encourages me in my faith walk and cheers me on as I surrender my judgments and condemnations to him. As I surrender to the Father, He reaches in and heals that wound and places me in the Sacred Heart of Jesus which is love itself.