I was reading "Thoughts from the Trailer" by Fr. John Riccardo ( and I appreciated his words, written prior to any knowledge of the outcome of the presidential election:
" . . . we don’t know how the Lord is at work in the events of our time. We just know that He is at work. He is always at work. This doesn’t mean we’re puppets, merely play acting, and that our choices don’t matter – they do! But God is sovereign, and “the plan of the LORD stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation” (Psalm 33:11)."
I always find it comforting when going through difficult times to step back and remember that, indeed, "God is in this."
However, I honestly don't think Trump is "the chosen one" as some have said. I don't think God sent him to somehow save us.
For Christians, we know that there is only One savior, Jesus Christ. To put forth any other belief is sacrilegious.
God's light always breaks through darkness. His victory was revealed on the cross when he carried our sins for us; his victory will eventually be revealed even today.
With our eyes always fixed on God, we know that he alone gives us hope. Whether you are sad or filled with joy today, remember that God, who loves us more than we can even imagine, is with us.
But this is key:
We must do our part and stand strong against the wiles of the devil who likes to feed racism and hatred, stoking fires of anger, division and despair. By the grace of God, resist his temptations.
Like Job, we can all be better. Well, we need to at least try to be if we are going to call ourselves disciples of Christ.
Janet Cassidy
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