It is in this testimony, I write of the latest unexplainable events, in my life. I cannot explain these things nor do I know why I write about them, for it is not for me to be boastful. I have a strong feeling inside for me to write of them; that in time, I am being prepared for a mission of some kind, and that these documentations indicate my journey has already begun. These documentations I have written about: roses, the scent of roses, rose petals, crown of thorns, the threes, seem to be private revelations of some sort. These revelations have indeed been influential in bringing me to a closeness with my God. And of my writings, interior locutions of thought and words are the flowing of the heart, a deep spiritual awareness, a presence that I feel from within. I am not an author who writes stories, or dramatizes events. I write, as is, like a little child. I have unguarded my heart in prayer, to be led by Our Lord, to write freely and openly of these spiritual thoughts and inspirations. I have opened up my heart and soul, like a flower opens its face in the sun. I write of my factual encounters, unexplainable gifts of intercession, for the purpose of documentation.
None of this would be possible, if not for my near-death experience with the THREEs. This event started my life’s course of action and, with the guidance of my spiritual director Fr. Ed McLean and his “From the Head to the Heart” lecture series, has created a spiritual presence, that changed my heart to an unlimited compassionate level. And the result of this, gave me the ability to give my cross to the wife of a college basketball coach for intercession at a basketball game. This gift I thought, was for her and her family, but indeed, it has been a greater gift to me. If I had not given her my cross, my spiritual writing and enlightenment, would not exist. This gesture of faith, and of the heart, has given my life a deep spiritual conversion, and presence, I had never known before. For anyone who takes the cross into thy hands, and believes, the power of the Cross is, the Divine Hands and Merciful Heart of our Lord: it is a Living Cross of Divine Power, of which all things are possible. (Mark 10:21 “Come take up the cross, and follow me.”) On March 25, 1995, I picked up my cross and followed Him down the steps to the coach's wife, and placed my cross into her hand. This gesture in itself indicates that in a compassionate heart flows pure love; and compassionate love, is a flowing grace, that never stops giving. It is a continuous spiritual presence, enriching and refining the heart and soul into a gift of mercy, of thoughtfulness, of sensitivity, of substance, and meaning. It is a gift beyond our control. It is with this gift of compassion we administer to those upon our path, creating opportunities for intercession, and miracles.
Three roses I have been giving to Our Blessed Mother, since March 25, 1996, as a compassionate gesture to Our Blessed Mother, from my heart and soul, in reverence of her sorrow, and in thanksgiving, for her intercession in my petition, with regard to the gift of the cross I gave to the coach's wife.
At home I pray the Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and the chaplet of The Crown of Thorns. I have before me a wall-size crucifix, and pray to Our Blessed Mother. The scent of roses has opened up to me, at work, at home, outside, and in church. The scent of roses, you can in actuality taste it: the aroma, so sweet, such love. It is in deep veneration with the crucifix of Our Lord, in my hands, the “scent of roses” is present; praying and holding The Crown of Thorns chaplet; and meditating on the Passion of Our Lord. I am not overwhelmed by this; but, it gives me a great sense of peacefulness and I am in such reverence that the Mother of God had chosen this avenue, to personally administer her grace of presence, and is pouring it over onto me.
It is here at St. Bart's, on Friday August 8, I pray the Crown of Thorns chaplet and then in meditation, I have the scent of roses here and there. I pray to Our Blessed Mother, if this is from her, to leave no doubt whatsoever in my mind. I discern; I test everything. My eyes were then burning from the scent of roses. My mouth was burning. I could taste them all evening.
I continue to encounter the scent of roses here and there. This fragrance of roses and lilies, is more dominant in my bedroom around my dresser where I have placed my spiritual medals of saints, the statue of Our Blessed Mother (from Medjugorje), and where the crucifix hangs on my bedroom wall. My daily thoughts, my meditation, my private moments, are consumed with reverence and sorrow for the Passion and Death, pain and suffering and wounds of Our Lord, and the pain of sorrow, of Our Blessed Mother. These criteria of prayer and meditation are lifted up interacting a presence, with Our Lord and Blessed Mother, and consequently this gives justification to the vitality of the scent of roses to be truly genuine. I have questioned this other times before, receiving positive responses. I test everything so not to be taken up into a falsification of “signs” or circumstances. Signs can be fascinating, but also misleading, and misdirected. The sign itself is immaterial; what is important, is where it leads you. The Lord comes to you, directly, straightforwardly inspiring prayer, compassion, love, gentleness, peacefulness, generosity, forgiveness, mercy, awareness, patience, respect and truth. A true heavenly sign, will move you close to the Lord on a path of burning desire, that cannot be extinguished. It renounces sin and injustice, and ignites the soul on fire, longing for the Lord’s presence.
It is on Dec. 2, 1996, my friend Betty from Meriden has put forth a question to me. She has asked, what is most important to me, the rose, or the cross? It is of course, the cross! The cross, will always be my salvation, and I will have no false gods before me. Therefore, the rose is a supplement: a gift, to enhance one's journey in love, in sorrow, in compassion; to bring the heart and soul to reverence and prayer, to approach the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with a contrite heart. This, is how I view the rose, only as a compassionate gesture. For if someone gives you a flower, do you not feel mellowed, with its gift? And if the aroma is sweet and saturated with fragrance, do you not inhale its presence? Like the honey bee, drawn by the fragrance to the flower for pollination; also like the insect drawn by the fragrance to devour its contents. One is good, the other destructive. Both are mesmerized by the sweetness; one good, the other evil. So with me, this scent of roses, is attractive and appealing and seductive. For one rose may be of sweetness and of truth, the other, a false ingestion of aroma on the wrong path. One must remain focused in prayer, to discern one from the other. For this is why I test everything. For when I encounter this aroma, I think directly of Our Blessed Mother and Our Lord. I view this as a spiritual gift, an invitation to embrace the Holy Spirit bringing all of myself, to the foot of the cross. For here at the cross, is where I carry a rose for my Lord, a rose nurtured with compassion of sorrow, and thanksgiving. I place it at the Lord’s feet: the fragrance of a rose, rising upward, instilling the gift of myself into the Lord’s Divine Heart, forever. This, is how I perceive this scent of roses.
I had been waiting for the right opportunity, to see my friend Karen next door. I wanted to take my water from Lourdes, and bless her with it. She is expecting her third child in September and has been very concerned and apprehensive about this baby. On July 20, I saw Karen outside sitting on the back steps; I took my Lourdes water with me, and went over to see her. I walked up to her, and took the top off this sealed clear jar. She said, “Are you going to bless me?” I said, “Yes.” She said, “This is unbelievable!” I anointed her, making the sign of the cross on her forehead. She told me that her reading of the day, said that she was “to receive an unexpected blessing,” and shared this possibility, with a friend at work. Karen said, she had been disappointed and let down, because nothing had happened. She was astonished that I came over to bless her, and furthermore, again was astonished when I told her, this was water from Lourdes. She then went inside, and came out with her daily meditation booklet, and showed me the day’s reading, for July 20. It said in part: “Unexpected Blessings . . . and to be aware of all God has for me, I have learned to expect the unexpected blessing.” When I left her, she was exuberant and refreshed, basking in her blessing. The Lord sent me there, at the right time, at the right moment. The unexplainable, once again.
In June 1996, I had attended a retreat my spiritual director Fr. Ed Mclean was giving on “compassion” at Wisdom House, in Litchfield, CT. During this retreat, Fr. McLean gave us all an opportunity to anoint each other on the forehead. Through this special, meaningful session, is how I began to administer this anointing, reserving it for special moments, at special places. The sign of the cross blessing, or anointing on one's forehead, is an invitation to open dialogue for intervention, an avenue for their heart and soul, to respond. The sign of the cross, is a spiritual blessing, which proclaims a belief of faith: a call to action to the Holy Spirit. It is a blessing, and also a protection from evil forces. The sign of the cross blessing is not reserved for priests, or for the pulpit, but can be used by anyone to bless another. The sign of the cross blessing by the wave of the hand, or anointing on the forehead, is a formal act, that is intimate and meaningful. It is unfortunate, that this action is not readily used more often by the lay person. In gifted moments, anointing on the forehead to another, is indeed a special spiritual overture, opening one's heart of compassion upon another. A sign of the cross blessing is powerful, in retrospect to the cross, that it can be of a miraculous gift to another. A blessing of this magnitude, could open one's faith to healing and special graces. It is an outward sign of one's internal spiritual belief. For a stranger, is one you take into your heart, bringing them before the Lord for gifts and intercession. There is a handshake, a hug, a kiss, a word, a gesture, all responsive to a need. The sign of the cross blessing, is a compassionate gesture: an intercessor, lifting you up in reverence, to receive the Lord's guidance and mercy. This, is what I call, “instant prayer.” For in this moment, you have been brought into the Lord's presence, for distribution of His gifts, and blessings. I do not take this anointing lightly; for when you have taken a step forward to act as a custodian for another, you become a sponsorship to this person's needs. You do not bring this person to the Lord, and leave. Through continuous prayer and action, is the fulfillment of your introduction.
It has been said: “When you leave this place, you can’t take it with you.” What you do take with you, is the soul of thyself, and within it, those hearts and souls you have touched along the way. This, is what pleases the Lord: that you spoke in His name, and you administered His Heart of Mercy, to another.
Robert J. Varrick