Honor Your Parents
Not With Christ? Then…
2 John 4:9
“Anyone who is so “progressive” as not to remain in the teaching of Christ does not have God;
whoever remains in the teaching of Christ has the Father and the Son.”
This reading from today’s Mass seemed to be an indictment on our world today. I began to think….
You cannot be pro-choice, and think you have God.
You cannot regard others as despicable and think you have God.
You cannot approve the death penalty and euthanasia, and think you have God.
You cannot use contraceptives and think you have God.
You cannot mutilate your body, deny your gender and think you have God.
You cannot be unjust and prejudicial in the treatment of others and think you have God.
You cannot be dishonest in you dealings and think you have God.
You cannot refuse to lend a helping hand, and think you have God.
You cannot be unforgiving and think you have God.
You cannot indulge pornography, filthy suggest speech and thin you have God.
You cannot fail to pray and worship God and think you have God.
This present age is steeped in paganism and ignores the teachings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the Son of God himself while believing that there is no Hell!
Let us pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. “You know not the day nor the hour of His coming for you.