For the Love
The Bank
Why did you not use my money properly
I gave it to you for gain but not usury
Cheating is not the way you get in
In My House it is known as sin
Why did you not invest in a proper business
A firm for building or buying or one that produces
Things people truly need
Maybe a new method to help all feed
But no you decided too much risk
I’ll just put this seed money in my handkerchief
What were you thinking
No you must have been dreaming
I gave you this because I trusted
That it would be invested
The interest would have been our gain
But you didn’t even try to win
Worthless now are you to Me
Away your shame I need no more see
The bank at least would have given interest
Away now for to your chosen rest
My gift to all are your talents and vocations
Use them hone them with high expectations
For with them you can be incredible
Without them what you do may be questionable
JFFIII 11/21/24