Why Are You Here?
Sometimes in life we have to face unwanted changes (i.e., losing a job, friendship, suffering, elections, etc.) that can be very hard to accept.
I came across this Dr. Seuss quote that I think is a good approach to moving forward when we find ourselves devastated by life.
Notice that the key to this quote has to do with what our response. Will you cry (sometimes we need to for a time) or will you smile (this has to do with adjusting our perspective.)
Even in suffering and loss we can find our way to gratitude, because often through these we grow. These can help us grow in appreciation for others and what they are going through, prompting us to have greater compassion.
Suffering and loss can also help us grow spiritually as we offer ourselves for the benefit of others. They can help us mature overall.
As we unite ourselves to the cross of Jesus, his suffering and sacrifice, we connect with him in a very deep way. Let us find a way to smile at this and not miss such a wonderful opportunity to truly experience his love for us and our ability to offer his love to others.
Janet Cassidy
Email me at: jmctm2@gmail.com