Prayer to Combat Evil Attached to Pre-used or Pre-loved Items
13 Things to Remember Before and After Receiving Holy Communion
(Remember all of this is because Holy Communion is The Real Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ Whom the Angels and Saints worship and adore in awe and trembling in heaven)
If everybody actually followed these 13 points, imagine the transformation that the world would go through because we, as Catholics, would literally be the holy soul of the world. We would lift it up by our very lives and the presence of Jesus Christ radiating from us. We truly would be leaven.
1. State of Grace
You must be in a state of grace. A good confession is essential, and there must be no attachment to mortal sin. “Whoever receives Holy Communion in a state of mortal sin, not only does not receive the grace of the sacrament but also commits sacrilege and eats and drinks judgment upon himself.”
2. Preparation
Before receiving Communion, say an act of contrition to renew your first communion moment and remove any attachment to venial sin. Never touch the Holy Eucharist with your hands (it is a sacrilege). Only consecrated hands may touch it. Receive Communion by kneeling and on the tongue, from a priest (not from an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, which is only allowed in rare, extreme cases such as persecution).
3. Fasting
Fast for three hours before Communion. Sprinkle Holy Water to purify yourself from venial sins, saying, "By this Holy Water and the most precious Blood, wash away all my sins."
4. Offer Communion
Offer your reception of Communion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in reparation for sacrilege.
5. Souls in Purgatory
Offer Communion for the souls in purgatory, especially those from your ancestors' generations (from Noah, Adam, and Eve) and your own generation.
6. Personal Intention
Offer Communion for the conversion of a family member, a friend, someone who is sick, and for your own personal intentions.
7. After Receiving Communion
After receiving Communion, pray the "Prayer Before the Crucifix" for a plenary indulgence. Pray for the intention of the Holy Father, asking for the indulgence to benefit yourself and the poor souls in purgatory. Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory Be.
8. Thanksgiving Prayer
Say a thanksgiving prayer or simply say, "Thank you, Jesus. I love you, Jesus," asking for the strength to grow in virtue (e.g., charity, chastity, humility).
9. Pray for Protection
After Communion, pray that God will bless you and keep you from sudden death without the sacraments of the Church.
10. Appreciate the Real Presence
Reflect on the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Appreciate His infinite compassion and mercy.
11. Commit to Holiness
Make a commitment to live a holy life, avoiding sin, and seeking the Holy Spirit's guidance in your daily actions. Thank your Guardian Angel, Mama Mary, and the saints who accompany you during the Holy Mass.
12. Mental Prayer
Spend time with Jesus in mental prayer every day, meditating on sacred scripture, writings of the saints, teachings of the magisterium,etc. Apply what you are contemplating to your life and make resolutions to root out sin and to grow in virtue and holiness. Without this practice, Holy Communion will not bear much fruit in your life. But with this practice, the grace that you receive in Holy Communion will be activated throughout the week.
13. Nightly Examination of Conscience & Monthly Confession
Each night before you go to bed take a few moments to review your day. Thank God for the blessings you recall and make an act of contrition for your faults, sins and failures. Make a firm purpose of amendment to do better the next day. Go to confession at least once a month to receive the sacramental grace to grow in holiness and virtue.