Feed the Hungry ~ Harriet the Hawk
Heart and Soul
Eileen Renders
We often hear the words people speak when describing others, such as; “Cold hearted” big-hearted, and kind-hearted. This type of description often suggests one’s humanity, and spirituality. Therefore, the heart is often paired with the soul. It is as though one’s soul rests with our hearts. One’s heart, whether warm or cold is measured by one’s faith, beliefs, and choices in life.
The soul is the most divine aspect of our being because as God created each of us, the soul does not die. It does become separated from our body at the time of death, yet those who are welcomed into heaven will once again be reunited with their earthly bodies.
At final judgment, not our bodies will be judged, but our souls. Souls can also be punished in hell, suggesting regret, fear, and restlessness as our soul will not rest until it rests in Him. A soul can be tormented by sadness, depression, anxiety, and a host of other negative feelings.
Unless we prepare ourselves to focus on living as Jesus taught us to live and remain conscious of choosing right over wrong, we can be at risk of becoming prey to the Evil one! In realizing this, we become aware that it is not just missing Mass on Sunday, or inappropriately showing anger when it is not the optimal remedy. The most committed sins are those of the Seven deadly sins, those that Satan shrewdly overwhelms us with—those sins where he sees our vulnerability.
Pride, Lust, Laziness, Drunkenness, Greed, Wrath, Envy and Gluttony. These sins become continuously repeated and usually turn into greater sins. Such as in pride. If pride be our weakness, it can lead to thinking little of others, and treating others as though they are worthless.
Drunkenness can become addictive, ruin one’s health, cause a loss of a job and income and lead to family suffering hunger, hostility, depression, and more. We must continually practice the virtues that Jesus showed us during His short time on earth. Such as; Mercy, Love, Humility, Obedience, Healing, and Service to God and our community.
The Bible tells us that God will win over Satan, and cast Him into hell for all eternity. Satan prowls the world until the final judgment seeking the ruin of souls. We can help God by continually recognizing Satan’s temptations by saying; “Get behind me Satan, I belong to Christ.” This might be followed by a brief prayer to God saying; “God, I love you with all my
heart and soul”, please know that I only want to belong to You, and protect me from the Evil One.” In this practice, we are not only helping ourselves, we are gaining God’s protection, and serving God by helping to destroy Satan’s evil efforts.