In all ways, always
Sometimes I wobble. I find myself walking back and forth and back and forth and have to tell myself to straighten up. My back feels a little bit better when I do that. It seems a little harder the older I get. I'm only 65, but I feel myself aging and there's nothing I can do about it. All the exercise and healthy eating cannot take that fact away.
My morning's consist of my first cup of coffee and my morning prayers. I don't want to leave the comfort of my nice warm bed, but the fact that my Lord let me wake up comes immediately to my mind. I am grateful. I tell Jesus and Mary and my sweet Guardian Angel hello and then I proceed to my kitchen. I sip on my coffee and enjoy the quiet. I remember fondly now the past moments of my life when there was sweet babies that I would greet first thing in the morning. They are all grown now, with babies of their own. My cup runneth over. My life has been one exciting, joyful, mysterious ride to where I am now. If it wouldn't have been for my merciful loving God, I really don't know where I would be today. But somehow, He has brought me to this place I reside.
I tell myself, "plant your feet firmly", as I stand at the kitchen sink or stand outside looking up at the stars. Glorifying Him who allowed me another day..
Aging can be difficult. But in the perspective of looking at it like a gift can be so comforting. I am never alone. Even though the house is silent and my bones feel different than when I was 20, I am soothed with the thought that many have gone before me and are interceding and waiting for me constantly. All of the dear Saints and relatives and friends that have taken the journey that death provides, is a joy for me to think about. We are never alone. Our memories and thoughts are a sweet reminder of our life to come, and the life that was. While we are still living. Some memories can be sad some can be wonderful. That is why it is so important to keep your feet planted firmly on the ground of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sure we will stumble and often fall, but those are our baby steps. Our Lord picks us up and sets us up right like a good daddy would. He stands beside us providing security that His hands are there to catch us and guide us.
Planting our feet firmly on the ground can be tricky, if we are not cemented on our Lord's God's Statutes. We could fall and stay down. But if we remain faithful to Him, just like a good father, He will never let us stay down.
Keep my feet, oh God, on the path that walks to You. Help me up those hills that are difficult and let my legs keep moving forward towards that Heavenly Kingdom we will call home.